10 Traits Of A Foodie That Distinguish You From Everyone Who Loves Food Food is bae. The love for bae is blissful. Foodie! You might have heard this word so often. Everyone who seems to love food, claims to be a foodie. Additionally, some of them become food bloggers on Instagram too. (Yeah, you laughed right.) But, do you think a foodie is just a person who loves food? ∞ What about a person who can eat anything and everything at any point in time? What is the correct definition of a foodie? Feeding Trends will remove all confusions about a 'foodie' today. If you go and find out the literal meaning of the word foodie, it will say, 'a person with a particular interest in food', 'a gourmet'. ∞ However, to a foodie like me, this is an incomplete definition. This incomplete meaning really does no justice to the divine term foodie. I used the word divine because a foodie is a person whose ...